@Together with the end of Wild Goat Style, black figure techinique
was introduced to workshops in North Ionia, probably at Klazomenai.
While early Klazomenian sarcophagi, which will be discussed,
retained wild goat style, this influenece rarely can be found
in the black figure vessels [1]. Clay is
brownish and white slip is added on earlier examples. Purple
and white are used more freely than on Athenian pottery.
Tuebingen Group and other painters of earlier period chose
amphorae, pyxides and krateres and most surface is covered
with decoration. On the main picture often has a line of women
hand in hand and because musicians sometimes attends the scene,
this may represent a dance. On the shoulder and neck have
friezes of sphinxes or sirens. Crescend pattern favoured in
Fikellura workshops also depicted on these vases, though Klazomenian
painters paint the crescend with white and purple alternately.
These vases are found from Klazomenai and other East Greek
sites, as well as from Naukratis and dated to the mid sixth
Following the Petrie Group preferred slender amphorae. The
neck generally has an animal figure on either side and the
body often has a line of women or occasionally Satyrs and
Maenades. On the lower body has animals of prumped body. Less
examples are found from Klazomenai while Naukratis and Tell
Daphnae produced more founds.
The near contemporary the Urla Group preferred ovoid bodied
amphorae, on which paneled picture, not friezes, is arranged.
On the neck has a huge palmette on either side and the body
often has mythological scenes, such as Circe and Odysseus,
Oidipous and Sphinx and Prometheus and Hephaistos.
The Knipovitch Group uses similar composition, though the
body has a forequarter of winged horse or simply scale pattern.
Vessels of both the Urla and Knipovitch Group are even found
from the Black Sea area.
Contemporary the Enmann Class has unique style. White is
rarely used and hydriai, oinochoai and askoi are also produced,
other than ovoid-bodied amphorae. Decoration on amphorae is
only done within panels with various subjects, such as Komasts,
Satyrs, Sirens, Sphinxes, goats and octopuses. Since vessels
of this class are rarely found from Klazomenai and most are
found from the Black Sea area, such as from Berezan, these
could be made not at Klazomenai but at the Black Sea area.
Klazomenian Sarcophagi
Other than these vessles, Klazomenian workshops also produced
clay sarcophagi with figure decoration [2]. Decoration is arranged on the upper rim. Although clay for sarcophagi
is rough, cream white or yellow slip is painted over the rim.
Black paint is sometimes turned to reddish brown because of
bad firing
Width of the rim of the Monastirakia type, earliest Klazomenian
example, is only 8-9cm and the decoration is simple patterns
such as meander and egg and dart pattern. The following Borelli
Painter's sarcophagi have rims broader at the upper side which
are divided with decorative friezes. Although he also used
some simple patterns on his earlier works, he gradually introduced
outline animal figures recalls the wild goat style. His later
sarcophagi have human figures.
Even on contemporary sarcophagi, filling ornaments rarely
used for the scenes with human figure, while the background
of the scenes with animals is still filled with many patterns
taken from the wild goat style. Although the human figures
similar to those of black figure technique, details are represented
by reserved lines. We cannot identify any particular mythological
scene, but winged horses are sometimes depicted with departure
The Altenburg Painter's sarcophagi have much wider rims at
the upper side. His style is closer to Athenian black figure
and he even introduced red figure technique, though he used
white ground instead. Quality of the sarcophagi by his followers,
such as the Hopkinson Painter, was getting worse and the production
of the painted sarcophagi soon abandoned.
Most are found from around Klazomenai, though there are several
founds from Ephesos and Rhodes. This makes scholars believe
these sarcophagi were made at Klazomenai. For the chronology,
the carrier of the Borelli Painter probably started at c.540,
while the latest, Hopkinson Painter, worked until the second
quarter of the fifth century.
[1] |
For the
basic study on the Klazomenian pottery, see, Cook, R.
M. "A List Of Clazomenian Pottery", BSA
47 (1952) pp.123-152, and see also, Cook, J. M., "Old
Smyrna" BSA 60 (1965) pp.114-153. |
[2] |
For Klazomenian
sarcophagi, see, Cook,R.M. "Clazomenian sarcophagi,
Kerameus 3" (1981). |