With the collapse of Bronze age civilization, Greek art declined
and sculptures were almost disappeared. In the 10th century B.C.
the production of terracotta figurines gradually started. From
the end of the century the bodies of some figurines were made
on potters wheel and the heads and the limbs made by hand were
attached. These figurines have ornaments used for Geometric pottery.
When some major sanctuaries, such as Delphi, Olympia and Dodona,
and some of local importance were established, bronze cauldrons
with attachments of human or animal figures were dedicated.The
technique is same as Bronze age and there's no large statuette.
These human and animal figurines are highly stylized, which recall
the representation on contemporary vase-painting. The human figurine
has the broad shoulder, constricted waist and plump legs.
Other than these attachments, free-standing bronze figurines
were manufactured in the late 8th century B.C. Most were a found
from sanctuaries, probably portrayed deities or heroes. A warrior
from Thessaly, dated about 700 B.C., bears resemblance to the
figures on painted pottery, except for the long neck (Athens12831:Fig.1).
He wears helmet, belt and shield of Boeotian type and the spear
once in his right hand is missing.
Fig.1 Warrior
The style of animal figurines, slim limb and body, also closes
to the representation on contemporary vase-painting. There are
some groups, a fawn at the mothers breast demonstrates the technique
of bronze casting was developed (Boston98.650). Concentric circles
on the body reappeared on some animal figures of pedimental sculptures
of 6th century B.C.
B.Schweitzer, "Greek Geometric Art" (1969)