@In Lakonian region including Sparta, they still
produced Geometric pottery when Corinthian workshops introduced
Orientalizing style. After they abandaned the old style, Corinthain
style influenced on Lakonian pottery. In the period when Corinthain
pottery became mannered while Athanian pottery had not occupied
pottery market, however, they produced unique painted pottery
[1]. Although the period was short, the mid
sixth century, and not so many vessels were produced, their
vases reached to East Greek, North Africa and Massilia (Marseilles)
Although some larger vessels such as hydriai
are also preserved, cups similar to Athenian little master
cups are the most common shape. The colour is similar to that
of Corinthain clay and figures are drawn as silhouette of
mat black. Details are drawn with engraved lines and added
purple is often used. Figures are only depicted within tondo,
which is divied by a line at the 3/4 to create ground line.
Exterior is filled with many friezes of lotus, meander and
ray patterns.
Most famous Lakonian cup is in Paris, Cabinet
des Medailles. The seated figure on the left within the tondo
has the name, Arkesilaos, who is probably Arkesilaos II, the
king of Kylene, north Africa. The scene is generally interpreted
as the king supervising the export of silphion, the most common
product of Kylene.
Karydonain Boar Hunt is depicted on a smaller
cup in Paris, Louvre. The painter only showed the hind-quareter
of the boar and the circular composition croped from larger
scene is named as port-hole. This Lakonian Pottery only flourished
during several decades of the mid sixth century.
[1] |
For Lakonian
black figure pottery, see, Lane, A. E., "Lakonian
vase-painting", BSA 34, pp.99-189, Stibbe,
C. M., Lakonische Vasenmalerei des sechsten Jahrhunderts
v. Chr., (1972), Stibbe, C. M., Laconian Mixing
Bowls, (1989), Stibbe, C. M., Lakonian Drinking
vessels and other open shapes, (1994), Pipili, M.,
Laconian iconography of the sixth century B. C.,
(1987). |
[2] |
For Lakonian
pottery from Kylene, see, Schaus, G., The extramural sanctuary
of demeter and persephone at cyrene, libya, vol2: the
east greek, island and laconian pottery, (1985). |