From Dorian area, especially at Rhodes, many
wild goat style pottery was found [1]. Although
most of them are import, some local pottery was found from
Kalymnos and Kos [2].
The Nisyros Group is the most important among
them. They produced many plates and some oinochoai and kraters.
The plate is generally divided by a horizontal band with cable
or zig-zag pattern. An animal is often decorated within the
upper area, which is wider than lower area in which tongue
pattern, palmettes or volutes are decorated.The common animal
figures are sphinxes and hounds and occasionally lions, goats,
horses, hares and Cimaerae A few examples have mythological
figures, such as the battle between Menelaos and Hektor, Gorgons
and Perseus.
The style recalls South Ionian Middle wild goat
style II, though spiral patterns often used as filling ornaments
are probably taken from North Ionian style.
These vases are dated to the first quarter of
the sixth century. Although these examples are found from
Thera, Thasos, Ephesos, Naukratis and even from Selius, Sicily,
most of them are from Rhodes and Nisyros. It is almost certain
these were made by Rhodian workshops and copied by Thasian
and Cycradic workshops.
[1] |
For the
excavations at Rhodes, see, Jacopi, G., Clara Rhodos.. |
[2] |
For Rhodian
pottery, see, Cook, R. M., East
Greek Pottery, (1997), pp.61-63 |