Most important material for the Greek temple was stone. Other
than the cities like Athens, who has famous Penthelikon Mt., most
cities used not marble, but limestone for their buildings. The
limestone was painted white with the powder of marble, and for
some splendid temples, marble was imported from Paros or Athens.
To quarry the stone was hard labour. The stone was drilled along
with the line drawed for intended size. Dried wooden wedges were
inserted in each holes and watered. Then the stone was cracked
by the power of expansion of the wedges. The quarried stone was
drawn by dozens of cattle. The way from Panthelikon to Athens
was paved.
The first step of the structure was to lay the base. At narrow
space such as Athenian Acropolis needed fondation work. Since
the Parthenon was constructed on the south slope of Acropolis,
stones were piled over 10m high on the south side. |